Fellowship location:
Voice of America, Washington, D.C.Institution:
University of California, Santa CruzCurrent Affiliation:
Director, AAAS Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellowship programDione Rossiter is a project director at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). There, she directs the AAAS Mass Media Science and Engineering Fellows Program and organizes public outreach and engagement events. She completed her Mass Media Fellowship at the Voice of America in Washington, D.C.
Rossiter earned her Ph.D. in Earth and Planetary Sciences from the University of California, Santa Cruz. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Earth and Planetary Sciences (Atmospheric Sciences track) from the University of California, Berkeley.
Read more about Dione on The Plainspoken Scientist and in Eos:
- 2011 Mass Media Fellow Lands at Voice of America (PDF) (2011 AGU Mass Media Fellow announcement)
- From Wanna-Be Reporter to Voice of America Journalist (Post-fellowship report)
Read and listen to some of the stories Dione created during her Voice of America fellowship:
- Study: Jet Traffic Near Airports Can Trigger Snowfalls
- Student Binge Drinking Linked to Brain Damage, Injuries
- Study: Upper-Atmosphere Particles Slow Pace of Global Warming
- National Weather Satellite Threatened by US Budget Cuts
- Deep-Sea Ecosystems at Risk According to Global Marine Census
More from Dione:
- Dione describes the program in the AGU Mass Media Fellowship video: