AGU Vice Chair, Ocean Sciences Meeting Position 2022, Position Description

Deadline to submit: 6 May 2020

Submit your application: meetingsdirector [@]

Title: Volunteer AGU Vice Chair, Ocean Sciences Meeting Position 2022

OSM Overview: The Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) is the flagship conference for the ocean sciences and the larger ocean-connected community that’s co-sponsored by AGU, the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), and The Oceanography Society (TOS). Through the combination of these three organizations, along with the broader conservation-focused community, OSM provides attendees the opportunity to bridge disciplines, connect communities and make lasting partnerships.

Position Summary: The Vice Chair is responsible with co-leading the larger Organizing Committee and serves as a member of the Program Committee. AGU’s Vice Chair co-leads with ASLO and TOS Co-Chairs to prepare and/or respond to issues concerning new approaches, recommend new policies that impact the scientific program, convene or solicit author participation, create or modify general meeting policies and handle other issues when organizing the meeting.


  • Proactively promote the Ocean Sciences Meeting to the relevant communities.
  • Help formulate the Organizing Committee, recruit plenary speakers and organizing ancillary events such as early career and student functions, social gatherings, etc.
  • Actively solicit sessions and presenters from leading scientists in order to facilitate the best sessions for the meeting program.
  • Work with AGU staff, the Program Committee, AGU leadership and AGU members to enhance the reputation of the Ocean Sciences Meeting.
  • Participate in discussions face-to-face or virtual, as required and appropriate.
  • Attend three in-person meetings of the Program and Organizing Committees, as well as periodic teleconferences.

Time Commitment: At the low end, the time commitment is approximately 2 hours a month. During peak planning (June, September and October), it could be up to 15 hours a month.


  • Must be an AGU member with expertise and experience in ocean sciences
  • Ideal candidates would also:
    • Understand AGU’s governance structure
    • Be organized with a willingness and flexibility to work well in a group
    • Be open and visionary to incorporate related disciplines and related topics while anticipating needs, opportunities and problems
    • Create and inspire new meeting and session approaches and designs for strengthening the importance and value of the meeting

Duration: 2-year term associated with the February 2022 meeting. The Vice Chair is expected to become the AGU Co-Chair for the 2024 Ocean Sciences Meeting, extending the term to 4 years, contingent on success and a desire to continue.