AGU 2011 Fall Meeting Media Advisory 2

6 October 2011

Joint Release

Abstracts and Sessions Now Online;
Book Hotels by 1 November;
NCSWA Holiday Dinner, Save the Date!

Moscone Convention Center
San Francisco, California
5–9 December 2011

In this release:

  1. Abstracts and Sessions now Online and Searchable
  2. Reminder: Hotel Reservation Deadline – 1 November
  3. NCSWA holiday dinner – Wed., 7 December
  4. News Media Registration Information
  5. News Media Registration Form
  6. Who’s Coming

1. Abstracts and Sessions Now Online and Searchable

All 1,621 sessions and 20,093 abstracts for the 2011 Fall Meeting have been posted on the AGU web site.

To search the scientific program, use the itinerary planner (you can log on as a guest) here.

Reporters and public information officers may use the itinerary planner to search for abstracts or sessions of particular interest to them, by looking up any the following parameters on the tool linked to above:

  • Name of a scientist
  • Name of an institution (e.g., university, government agency)
  • Geographic location (e.g., city, state, province, or country)
  • Session title keyword (e.g., volcano, Vesta, aerosol)
  • Session topic (e.g., Natural Hazards, Ocean Sciences)

Instructions are available from the itinerary planner search page.

Many sessions are sponsored jointly by two or more Sections, and Union sessions are expected to have the most interdisciplinary appeal. By checking the box next to the name of a Section (e.g., Planetary Science, Seismology) listed under “Select a Session Topic”, all of the sessions sponsored by that Section will be displayed. Clicking on the plus sign next to any of these sessions will open a list of oral presentations or posters associated with that session. Clicking on the “view presentation” link below a particular presentation will open its abstract, including name and contact information for the lead author.

AGU will also provide a printed book with a schedule including session titles and times, an author index, listings of town hall meetings and other activities/events, maps, floor plans, and other general information about the meeting on site during the meeting. Copies of the book will be made available to members of the news media in the Press Room; the book does not include abstract information. However, newspaper-style, print listings of all presentations for each day, including the abstract titles, will also be available daily at the meeting.

2. Reminder: Hotel Reservation Deadline

Please note that the deadline for booking hotel rooms at preferential meeting rates is 1 November. For information on available hotels, rates, amenities, and a map of the area, click here

3. Save the Date: NCSWA Holiday Dinner, Wednesday, Dec. 7

[The following notice is provided on behalf of the Northern California Science Writers Association (NCSWA). This is not an AGU event.]

In an annual tradition, the Northern California Science Writers Association invites colleagues from the AGU newsroom to attend the NCSWA Holiday Dinner on Wednesday, Dec. 7. Chris Benton, a professor of architecture at UC Berkeley, will be there and presenting his kite-based aerial photography of the San Francisco Bay area.

Advance registration will be required. NCSWA will announce the dinner location and other details a few weeks before the event on its website.

4. News Media Registration Information

Eligibility for press registration is limited to the following persons:

  • Working press employed by bona fide news media: must present a press card, business card, or letter of introduction from an editor of a recognized publication.
  • Freelance science writers: must present a current membership card from NASW, a regional affiliate of NASW or other association of science journalists recognized by the World Federation of Science Journalists, or from the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ); or evidence of by-lined work pertaining to science intended for the general public and published in 2010 or 2011; or a letter from the editor of a recognized publication assigning you to cover Fall Meeting.
  • Public information officers of scientific societies, educational institutions, and government agencies: must present a business card.


Note: Representatives of publishing houses, for-profit corporations, and the business side of news media must register at the main registration desk at the meeting and pay the appropriate fees, regardless of possession of any of the above documents. They will not be accredited as Press at the meeting. Scientists who are also reporters and who are presenting at this meeting (oral or poster session) may receive News Media credentials if they qualify (see above), but must also register for the meeting and pay the appropriate fee as a presenter for the day they are presenting.

News Media registrants will receive a badge that provides access to any of the scientific sessions of Fall Meeting, as well as to the Press Room and Briefing Room. No one will be admitted without a valid badge.

Details will be provided in a subsequent advisory about where preregistered members of the media will pick up their badges and where those who have not preregistered will be able to register onsite. In either case, please be prepared to show identification.

5. News Media Registration Form

The News Media Registration Form is set up for online submission only. Please go here.

The last day for News Media pre-registration (assuring that your badge will be waiting for you when you arrive) is Monday, 28 November 2011. You may also register on-site.

6. Who’s Coming

The online list of journalists who have preregistered for the Meeting is updated daily and may be seen here (Click the ‘Who’s Coming’ button)