10 December 2013
Please visit the 2013 AGU Fall Meeting Media Center for additional information including previous media advisories.
The AGU Public Information Office has scheduled an additional press conference for the 2013 Fall Meeting. Details for the newly added press conference are below. Please click on the “Press Conference” tab in the online Media Center for a full list of press conferences and more information, including participants and associated scientific sessions. The new press conference is tagged with “[NEW]” in the schedule.
The schedule of press conferences is subject to change, before or during Fall Meeting. Press conferences may be added or dropped, their titles and emphases may change and participants may change. Updates, changes and additions to the press conference schedule will also be posted in the Press Conference tab in the Media Center.
Press conferences take place in the Press Conference Room (Room 3000, Moscone West, Level 3), diagonally across the hall from the Press Room. Times for press conferences are Pacific Standard Time. All press conferences will be webstreamed. Click on the “Webstreaming” tab in the Media Center for further information.
New Observations of Europa from the Hubble Space Telescope
Thursday, 12 December
8:00 a.m.
Previous spacecraft missions to Jupiter’s moon Europa revealed complex patterns adorning the surface and generated a scientific debate about its icy outer shell and subsurface ocean. New observations from the Hubble Space Telescope present a surprising twist to our understanding of this unusual planetary satellite.
Lorenz Roth, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, USA;
Joachim Saur, Institute of Geophysics and Meteorology, University of Cologne, Germany;
Kurt D. Retherford, Southwest Research Institute, San Antonio, Texas, USA;
James Green, NASA’s Planetary Sciences Division, Washington, DC, USA.
Sessions: P42A, P35A
Thomas Sumner
+1 (202) 777-7516
[email protected]