18 November 2021

AGU press contact:
Hope Garland
+1 (202) 777-7396
[email protected]
WASHINGTON—AGU Fall Meeting 2021, the largest worldwide conference in the Earth and space sciences, will be in-person at the New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, Louisiana, and online everywhere from 13-17 December 2021.
Staff journalists, freelance journalists, student journalists and press officers will be able to register as press attendees up to and throughout Fall Meeting. Additional information for press can be found in the Fall Meeting Media Center and in previous media advisories.
COVID protocols and vaccine verification
AGU is always focused on ensuring a safe and productive meeting.
Only fully vaccinated people may attend #AGU21 in-person in New Orleans.
AGU has partnered with SafeAccess to collect and verify vaccination information. On Monday, 22 November, registered attendees who indicated they will attend the Fall Meeting in person will receive an email with a link to create an account and provide their information. This will link to our registration database and once verified, you’ll receive permission to pick up your meeting badge.
It is imperative that you complete that step ahead of time.
If you wait until you arrive in New Orleans to register and provide your vaccination information, you may experience delays in getting in to attend events and sessions. Badges will be required at all AGU events.
If you do not receive an email or if your attendance (in person vs. online) has changed, please email [email protected].
AGU will require masks to be worn indoors at the Morial Convention Center during #AGU21, including in the poster hall and exhibit floor, unless you are actively eating or drinking. AGU will require masks regardless of New Orleans’ policy.
Hotel deadline extended to 24 November
The deadline to book a hotel room at the discounted AGU room rate has been extended to 24 November.
Members of the press can make hotel reservations through the media registration process. You can also log into the media registration site to add/modify your hotel reservation.
Online press community
This year, AGU is hosting a community forum on AGU Connect where registered press can browse and post information related to the meeting, including press releases, tip sheets and multimedia.
AGU Connect shares single sign-on access with AGU’s main webpage, membership and meeting content. Log in with the same credentials you used to register for Fall Meeting. Once logged in, find the #AGU21 Press Information Exchange under “My Communities”. You can set email notifications or remove yourself from the community through the settings menu. This community will remain open until 28 February 2022.
Registered press attendees will receive an email to join the community. To request access or ask questions about this forum, please email [email protected].
PIOs: Share press releases, tip sheets, multimedia and other materials by creating new discussion posts. Please create a new discussion post for each item. You can recreate complete press releases within the post or link out to material hosted on your home institution’s website—either method is okay. Discussion posts can accommodate file attachments and embedded video and can be scheduled to publish at a future date and time.
Reporters: Access press releases, tip sheets, multimedia and other materials posted in the discussions. You are also welcome to share published stories from Fall Meeting in discussion posts.
AGU will make press conference slides and recordings available in the library following the live events. Please do not upload materials to the library. Only use the discussion post section of the forum.
Press events at Fall Meeting
AGU will host a series of press conferences, press briefings and informal media roundtables to help journalists report on new findings presented at the meeting. The schedule of press events will be announced the week before the meeting’s scientific sessions begin.
We expect press events to cover topics such as the changing Arctic and Antarctic, extreme weather events, Mars, solar science, climate change, carbon removal and mitigating oil spills. This list will grow and is subject to change.
All press events will be held online, allowing access for people participating both in-person and remotely. Information about how to access online events will be included in a future media advisory.
There will be dedicated space in the press area of the conference center for in-person press conference participants and reporters to participate in the online events. If you are attending #AGU21 in person, please remember to bring your laptop, headphones and a jack to plug into an ethernet cable if your computer does not have one. This will allow you the best experience for participating in the online events.
AGU will make available many additional resources on the Fall Meeting Media Center to help reporters cover the meeting, including press releases and tip sheets. This information will be available in the weeks leading up to the meeting.
AGU (www.agu.org) supports 130,000 enthusiasts to experts worldwide in Earth and space sciences. Through broad and inclusive partnerships, we advance discovery and solution science that accelerate knowledge and create solutions that are ethical, unbiased and respectful of communities and their values. Our programs include serving as a scholarly publisher, convening virtual and in-person events and providing career support. We live our values in everything we do, such as our net zero energy renovated building in Washington, D.C. and our Ethics and Equity Center, which fosters a diverse and inclusive geoscience community to ensure responsible conduct.