24 April 2017
The undersigned scientific societies and associations applaud Saturday’s March for Science, which generated an unparalleled global voice to stand up for science, the role of evidence in policymaking, and the conditions science needs to thrive. In more than 600 locations worldwide, thousands of people marched for science as citizens and scientists, parents and children, technicians and teachers, workers and retirees, doctors and patients. They marched to say our collective future is more hopeful with science – and at risk without it. They affirmed that science is exciting, essential to human well-being and economic prosperity, and a foundation for sound policy.
To turn that hope into reality, the United States and nations worldwide need a robust and diverse scientific enterprise to drive continued innovation, a connected global scientific community, engaged citizens, and policies that advance and invest in science. The time for action is now. Science can yield solutions that help billions of people, including:
- Healthier, longer lives through new treatments for devastating diseases and better prevention strategies;
- Protection of our planet’s climate, air, clean water, oceans and lands, and protection of property from natural and human-induced hazards;
- Better jobs and economic strength in every state and nation; Greater agricultural yield and food security for families worldwide;
- Vibrant communities, civic foundations, social understanding, and economic strategies that strengthen societies;
- Modernized air and rail transportation, stronger infrastructure, and new defense strategies;
- Educational approaches that position students for new knowledge and better jobs; and
- Fundamental understanding of our wondrous world, solving the mysteries of the deep sea, the intricate inner workings of the cell, and the farthest expanses of the universe.
While we all depend on science for hope, science will depend on us moving forward. We must build on this momentum created by the marches to more actively demonstrate the value of science to local, state and national policymakers, as well as in classrooms and local communities.
In addition to supporting new discoveries and innovations, our organizations collectively conduct thousands of outreach programs in cities and countries worldwide, helping our hundreds of thousands of members become ever more involved in public engagement. Collaborating with citizens and scientists around the globe, we pledge to keep the March for Science momentum going, to remain at the forefront of this public engagement with science, and to redouble our collective efforts to serve science and society.
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Academics for the Future of Science
Alliance for Science, Cornell University
American Astronomical Society
American Chemical Society
American Educational Research Association
American Geophysical Union
American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering American Medical Student Association
American Physical Society American Physiological Society American Psychological Association
American Society for Microbiology
American Society of Plant Biologists
American Sociological Association
Association for Psychological Sciences
Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology
Coalition for the Life Sciences
Consortium of Social Science Associations
Ecological Society of America
Endocrine Society
Entomological Society of America
Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences
National Council for Science and the Environment
Sigma Xi
Society for Neuroscience
The American Society for Cell Biology
The New York Academy of Sciences
The Optical Society
United States Pharmacopeia