A weekly selection from AGU’s blogs, scientific journals and Eos, the newspaper of the Earth and space sciences. Members of the news media may sign up for complimentary access to all AGU journal papers and Eos here.
Posts before June 24, 2014 only include summaries of AGU journal articles (“journal highlights”).

- GeoSpace:
- Eos.org
- New research papers
- Laboratory measurements of heterogeneous CO2 ice nucleation on nanoparticles under conditions relevant to the Martian mesosphere, Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets
- Convective Transport and Scavenging of Peroxides by Thunderstorms Observed over the Central U.S. during DC3, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres

- GeoSpace:
- Eos.org
- New research papers
- Orbital evidence for more widespread carbonate-bearing rocks on Mars, Journal of Geophysical Research – Planets
- Insights from a 3D temperature sensors mooring on stratified ocean turbulence, Geophysical Research Letters
- Extensive nitrogen loss from permeable sediments off North West Africa, Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences

- GeoSpace:
- Eos.org
- New research papers
- Association of dissolved mercury with dissolved organic carbon in US rivers and streams: The role of watershed soil organic carbon, Water Resources Research
- The origin of the gullwing-shaped cirrus above an Argentinian thunderstorm as seen in CALIPSO images, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres
- Contribution of the Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water to the abnormal cooling of Sea Surface Temperature in the summer of 2011, Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans

- GeoSpace:
- Eos.org
- New research papers
- Sources and Characteristics of Medium Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by High Frequency Radars in the North American Sector, Journal of Geophysical Research – Space Physics
- Currents and associated electron scattering and bouncing near the diffusion region at Earth’s magnetopause, Geophysical Research Letters

- GeoSpace:
- Eos.org
- New research papers
- Constraining the aerosol influence on cloud fraction, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres
- Long-term characterization of the Pacific ITCZ using TRMM, GPCP, and ERA-Interim, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres
- Predictability of the Recent Slowdown and Subsequent Recovery of Large-Scale Surface Warming using Statistical Methods, Geophysical Research Letters

- GeoSpace:
- Eos.org
- New research papers
- How well would modern-day oceanic property distributions be known with paleoceanographic-like observations? Paleoceanography
- Riparian zones attenuate nitrogen loss following bark beetle-induced lodgepole pine mortality, Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences
- Response of SO2 and particulate air pollution to local and regional emission controls: A case study in Maryland, Earth’s Future
- Changes in the trophic status of fish feeding guilds in response to flow modification, Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences
- GeoSpace:
- The Plainspoken Scientist
- New research papers
- Observational constraints on the efficiency of dehydration mechanisms in the tropical tropopause layer, Geophysical Research Letters

- GeoSpace:
- Press conferences from the 2016 Ocean Sciences Meeting
- Eos.org

- GeoSpace:
- Eos.org
- New research papers
- Mid-2000s North Atlantic shift: Heat budget and circulation changes Geophysical Research Letters
- Contribution of regional sources to atmospheric methane over the Amazon Basin in 2010 and 2011, Global Biogeochemical Cycles
- Magnetohydrodynamic simulation of interplanetary propagation of multiple coronal mass ejections with internal magnetic flux rope (SUSANOO-CME), Space Weather
- Mid-2000s North Atlantic shift: Heat budget and circulation changes Geophysical Research Letters

- GeoSpace:
- The Landslide Blog:
- Eos.org
- New research papers
- The Anthropocene: a conspicuous stratigraphical signal of anthropogenic changes in production and consumption across the biosphere, Earth’s Future
- The Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary deposit in the Gulf of Mexico: Large-scale oceanic basin response to the Chicxulub impact, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth
- Mineralogical Indicators of Mercury’s Hollows Composition in MESSENGER Color Observations, Geophysical Research Letters
- The Anthropocene: a conspicuous stratigraphical signal of anthropogenic changes in production and consumption across the biosphere, Earth’s Future

- GeoSpace:
- The Landslide Blog:
- Tumblr
- Eos.org

- GeoSpace:
- The Landslide Blog:
- New research papers

- GeoSpace:
- Eos.org
- New research papers
- New Antarctic gravity anomaly grid for enhanced geodetic and geophysical Studies in Antarctica, Geophysical Research Letters
- Complex force history of a calving-generated glacial earthquake derived from broadband seismic inversion, Geophysical Research Letters
- Evidence for seafloor-intensified mixing by surface-generated equatorial waves Geophysical Research Letters
- Carbon emissions from decomposition of fire-killed trees following a large wildfire in Oregon, United States, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences

- GeoSpace:
- Underwater volcanoes may have sent carbon dioxide to the atmosphere at the end of the last ice age
- Eos.org

- GeoSpace: Blogs from the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting
- New research papers
- A new spiral model for Saturn’s magnetosphere, Geophysical Research Letters
- A possible transoceanic tsunami directed toward the U.S. west coast from the Semidi segment, Alaska convergent margin, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
- Convective and stratiform components of the precipitation-moisture relationship, Geophysical Research Letters
- Ship-borne observations of atmospheric black carbon aerosol particles over the Arctic Ocean, Bering Sea, and North Pacific Ocean during September 2014, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
- Questions on the existence, persistence, and mechanical effects of a very small melt fraction in the asthenosphere, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems

- GeoSpace:
- Chemical changes in groundwater precede earthquakes in Iceland, study finds
- Parts of Sierra Nevada Mountains more susceptible to drought than previously thought, study finds
- Storm runoff could help replenish dwindling California aquifers
- Seesawing sea surface height corresponds with global temperatures, study finds
- In Antarctica, melting ice drives unusual phytoplankton growth
- Eos.org: Sounding the northern seas

- GeoSpace:
- Blogs from the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting
- Large asteroid hit would make the world burn, go dark
- Ancient solar storms may explain how Mars morphed into a cold, barren desert
- Climate change and bark beetles spell doom for Rocky Mountain spruce forests
- A natural experiment: City in pristine Amazon shows pollution alters ecosystem
- Policy changes in Mongolian capital could improve health, decreasing lives lost to air pollution
- Rainforests not so rainy: Cutting trees cuts rainfall
- Tiny fuel spills at gas stations can contaminate soil
- Harbor seals hang out on glacier ice
- Preserved trees that grew 12,000 years ago improve radiocarbon dating calibrations
- Scientists Map Titan’s Lakes, Revealing Clues to their Origins
- Volcano pressure guns show how rocks spew and eruptions ensue
- Problematic asteroids could be pushed off course by gentle thrusts
- New research papers
- Does El Niño intensity matter for California precipitation? Geophysical Research Letters
- Predictions of Solar Cycle 24: How are we doing? Space Weather
- Vertical land motion as a key to understanding sea level change and variability, Reviews of Geophysics

- GeoSpace: Blogs from the 2015 AGU Fall Meeting
- New research papers
- High-resolution Probing of Inner Core Structure with Seismic Interferometry, Geophysical Research Letters
- Air moisture control on ocean surface temperature, hidden key to the warm bias enigma, Geophysical Research Letters
- Intra-annual variability of biogeochemical processes in the continental shelf waters of southeastern Arabian Sea, Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences

- GeoSpace
- New research papers
- Decadal trends of ocean and land carbon fluxes from a regional joint ocean-atmosphere inversion, Global Biogeochemical Cycles
- Elevated shear strength of sediments on active margins: Evidence for seismic strengthening, Geophysical Research Letters
- Distinct crustal isostasy trends east and west of the Rocky Mountain Front, Geophysical Research Letters

- GeoSpace
- New research papers
- Seasonal variability of nutrient concentrations in the Mediterranean Sea: contribution of Bio-Argo floats Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
- Hydration and diffusion processes shape microbial community organization and function in model soil aggregates Water Resources Research
- The hydrological cycle response to cirrus cloud thinning Geophysical Research Letters

- GeoSpace
- Eos.org
- New research papers
- Long-term variations in global sea level extremes, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans

- Eos.org: Breaking internal tides keep the ocean in balance
- New research papers
- Urban climate modifications in hot-desert cities: The role of land-cover, local climate and seasonality
- Spatially coherent trends of annual maximum daily precipitation in the United States
- Evidence for long-lived subduction of an ancient tectonic plate beneath the southern Indian Ocean
- Observation and simulation of lake-air heat and water transfer processes in a high-altitude shallow lake on the Tibetan Plateau
- Permeability and pressure measurements in Lesser Antilles submarine slides: Evidence for pressure-driven slow-slip failure

The Landslide Blog
- Eos.org: Agencies collaborate, develop a cyanobacteria assessment network
- New research papers
- Lightning as a space-weather hazard: UK thunderstorm activity modulated by the passage of the heliospheric current sheet
- Downdip variations in seismic reflection character: Implications for fault structure and seismogenic behavior in the Alaska subduction zone
- Methyl chloride as a tracer of tropical tropospheric air in the lowermost stratosphere inferred from IAGOS-CARIBIC passenger aircraft measurements

- GeoSpace
- 3D Images of magma below mono craters
- Eos.org: Teaching the art and science of getting research funding
- New research papers
- First ever cross comparison of thermospheric wind measured by narrow- and wide-field optical Doppler spectroscopy
- Methyl chloride as a tracer of tropical tropospheric air in the lowermost stratosphere inferred from IAGOS-CARIBIC passenger aircraft measurements
- A complete soil hydraulic model accounting for capillary and adsorptive water retention, capillary and film conductivity, and hysteresis
- The effect of large-scale model time step and multiscale coupling frequency on cloud climatology, vertical structure, and rainfall extremes in a superparameterized GCM
- Uniformly rotating global radiative-convective equilibrium in the Community Atmosphere Model, version 5

- From a Glacier’s Perspective
- Eos.org: GREAT ICE monitors glaciers in the Tropical Andes
- New research papers

- GeoSpace
- Eos.org: On the rocks: The challenges of predicting sea level rise
- New research papers
- Consistent decrease in North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone frequency following major volcanic eruptions in the last 3 centuries
- A more productive, but different, ocean after mitigation
- The dual role of soil crusts in desertification
- First measurement of the displacement rate of the Pacific Plate near the Japan Trench after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake using GPS/Acoustic Technique
- Terrestrial pyrogenic carbon export to fluvial ecosystems: Lessons learned from the White Nile watershed of East Africa

- GeoSpace
- Eos.org: Contaminated sediment and dam removals: Problem or opportunity?
- New research papers
- Predictions for impactor contamination on Ceres based on hypervelocity impact experiments
- Quantifying sources and sinks of reactive gases in the lower atmosphere using airborne flux observations
- From soilscapes to landscapes: A landscape-oriented approach to simulate soil organic carbon dynamics in intensively managed landscapes
- Fresh water and its role in the Arctic Marine System: Sources, disposition, storage, export, and physical and biogeochemical consequences in the Arctic and global oceans
- Mitigating satellite motion in GPS monitoring of travelling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs)

- GeoSpace: Ozone destroyer drops mysteriously
- Eos.org:
- An opinion piece: My life in baseball and earthquakes
- New research papers
- Recent U.S. policy developments addressing the effects of geomagnetically induced currents
- MeV proton flux predictions near Saturn’s D-ring
- Freshening anomalies in the Indonesian Throughflow and impacts on the Leeuwin Current during 2010-11
- Positive tropical marine low-cloud cover feedback inferred from cloud-controlling factors
- Global-scale convective aggregation: Implications for the Madden-Julian oscillation

- GeoSpace: Gulf Stream ring water intrudes onto continental shelf Like “Pinocchio’s Nose”
- Eos.org: Aurora painting pays tribute to Civil War’s end
- New research papers
- Deep subsurface carbon cycling in the Nankai Trough (Japan)—Evidence of tectonically induced stimulation of a deep microbial biosphere
- On the suitability of North Brazil Current transport estimates for monitoring basin-scale AMOC changes
- Effects of Saturn’s magnetospheric dynamics on Titan’s ionosphere
- Sediment transport based metrics of wetland stability
- Successive estimation of a tsunami wavefield without earthquake source data: A data assimilation approach toward real-time tsunami forecasting

- GeoSpace: Titan’s “bucket brigade” brings liquid to moon’s north pole
- Eos.org: Kepler: A giant leap for exoplanet studies
- New research papers
- Abrupt shifts in phenology and vegetation productivity under climate extremes
- Teleseismic P wave spectra from USArray and implications for upper mantle attenuation and scattering
- Solar wind at 33 AU: Setting bounds on the Pluto interaction for New Horizons
- Effects of vertical wind shear on the predictability of tropical cyclones: Practical versus intrinsic limit
- Initiation of an intraseasonal oscillation in an aquaplanet general circulation model

- GeoSpace
- Eos.org: Drone squadron to take Earth monitoring to new heights
- New research papers
- Biogenic carbon fluxes from global agricultural production and consumption
- Pathways and transformations of dissolved methane and dissolved inorganic carbon in Arctic tundra watersheds: Evidence from analysis of stable isotopes
- An advanced process-based distributed model for the investigation of rainfall-induced landslides: The effect of process representation and boundary conditions
- The basalts of Mare Frigoris
- Measurement of inner radiation belt electrons with kinetic energy above 1 MeV

- GeoSpace
- Eos.org: Helping early-career researchers succeed
- YouTube: First observation of pulsating auroras in space
- New research papers
- Anomalous carbon uptake in Australia as seen by GOSAT
- Cloud organization and growth during the transition from suppressed to active MJO conditions
- Ensemble modeling of the 23 July 2012 coronal mass ejection
- MARSIS remote sounding of localized density structures in the dayside Martian ionosphere: A study of controlling parameters

- GeoSpace: Terraced craters: Windows into Mars’ icy past
- Eos.org: What lies deep in the mantle below?
- New research papers
- Ross Ice Shelf Vibrations
- A 21st Century Northward Tropical Precipitation Shift Caused by Future Anthropogenic Aerosol Reductions
- Lightning channel length and flash energy determined from moments of the flash area distribution
- Fluxes and fate of dissolved methane released at the seafloor at the landward limit of the gas hydrate stability zone offshore western Svalbard
- WRF simulated sensitivity to land surface schemes in short and medium ranges for a high-temperature event in east China: A comparative study

- GeoSpace
- Eos.org: Making the Northern Indian Ocean a hub of geomagnetic data
- New research papers
- Tidally driven mixing and dissipation in the stratified boundary layer above steep submarine topography
- Dissolved gas dynamics in wetland soils: Root-mediated gas transfer kinetics determined via push-pull tracer tests
- Untangling the effects of shallow groundwater and soil texture as drivers of subfield-scale yield variability
- Multidecadal trends of oxygen and their controlling factors in the western North Pacific

- GeoSpace
- Eos.org: Small rivers could have big impact on Arctic Ocean
- New research papers
- Differences in size spectra of electrified storms over land and ocean
- Cross-scale impact of climate temporal variability on ecosystem water and carbon fluxes
- Toward an object-oriented assessment of high-resolution forecasts of long-lived convective precipitation in the central U.S
- Evaluation of the impact of AIRS profiles on prediction of Indian Summer Monsoon using WRF Variational data assimilation system

- Dan’s Wild Wild Science Journal: New paper shows global climate model errors are significantly less than thought
- Eos.org: On the rebound: Modeling Earth’s ever-changing shape
- New research papers
- More tropical cyclones in a cooler climate?
- Exotic crust formation on Mercury: Consequences of a shallow, FeO-poor mantle
- Influence of the superposition approximation on calculated effective dose rates from galactic cosmic rays at aerospace-related altitudes
- Detection of recent regional sea surface temperature warming in the Caribbean and surrounding region
- Dynamics of hypervelocity jetting during oblique impacts of spherical projectiles investigated via ultrafast imaging

- GeoSpace: Dusty comet releases mysterious clumps
- Eos.org: Dissolved organic matter in the ocean carbon cycle
- New research papers
- Crustal deformation in the New Madrid Seismic Zone and the role of postseismic processes
- Hydrologic fluctuations and sulfate regeneration increase methylmercury in an experimental peatland
- On the reliability of the Spatial Scintillation Index to detect earthquake precursors in the ionosphere
- Dependence of the dayside magnetopause reconnection rate on local conditions

- GeoSpace: Warmer air, less sea ice lead to mercury decline in Arctic Ocean
- Eos.org: Puzzles invite you to explore Earth with interactive imagery
- New research papers:
- Charting unknown waters—On the role of surprise in flood risk assessment and management
- Variation of Jupiter’s aurora observed by Hisaki/EXCEED: 2. Estimations of auroral parameters and magnetospheric dynamics
- Diurnal to annual changes in latent, sensible heat and CO2 fluxes over a Laurentian Great Lake: A case study in western Lake Erie
- Particulate nitrogen exports in stream runoff exceed dissolved nitrogen forms during large tropical storms in a temperate, headwater, forested watershed

- GeoSpace: Greenland’s fjords are far deeper than previously thought, and glaciers will melt faster, researchers find
- Eos.org: A University-Government Partnership for Oceanographic Research
- New research papers:
- Riparian vegetation, Colorado River, and climate: five decades of spatio-temporal dynamics in the Grand Canyon with river regulation
- Ionospheric acoustic and gravity waves associated with mid-latitude thunderstorms
- Dynamics of glide avalanches and snow gliding
- An overview of recent (1988 to 2014) caldera unrest: knowledge and perspectives
- A Lagrangian drop model to study warm rain microphysical processes in shallow cumulus

- From a Glacier’s Perspective: Big Four glacier & ice caves, WA: a short future?
- Eos.org: Learning geoscience by doing geoscience
- New research papers:
- Response of the Amazon carbon balance to the 2010 drought derived with CarbonTracker South America
- CO2 outgassing from the Yellow River network and its implications for riverine carbon cycle
- Use of a forest sapwood area index to explain long-term variability in mean annual evapotranspiration and streamflow in moist eucalypt forests
- Tamarix transpiration along a semiarid river has negligible impact on water resources

- GeoSpace: Beijing quadrupled in size in a decade, new study finds
- Eos.org: Seismic Hazard Assessment: Honing the Debate, Testing the Model
- New research papers:
- Disappearance of the southeast U.S. “warming hole” with the late-1990s transition of the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation
- Hydrocomplexity: Addressing Water Security and Emergent Environmental Risks
- Stratospheric Imaging of Polar Mesospheric Clouds: A New Window on Small-Scale Atmospheric Dynamics
- Balanced Dynamics and Convection in the Tropical Troposphere

- From AGU’s blogs: New Tool Could Track Space Weather 24 Hours Before Reaching Earth
- From AGU’s journals: Satellite Measurements May Help Real-Time Water Management

- From AGU’s blogs: Flooding, erosion risks rise as Gulf of Mexico waves loom larger
- From Eos.org: Building Sandbars in the Grand Canyon
- From AGU’s journals: Rainfall Fluctuations Hinder Projections of Future Extremes

- From AGU’s blogs: Should NASA be Studying the Earth?
- From Eos.org: Musical Composition Conveys Climate Change Data
- From AGU’s journals: Dynamics of the Earth’s Surface in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau

- From AGU’s blogs: The timing of the landslide season in Nepal
- From Eos.org: Experiment Captures First Image of Thunder
- From AGU’s journals: Regional Nuclear War Could Cause a Global Famine

- From AGU’s blogs: Disaggregation of Austria’s Third Largest Glacier, Obersulzbach Kees
- From Eos.org: Warmer Climate Could Aid Quebec’s Wine Industry
- From AGU’s journals: New Insights into the Formation of Old Norwegian Mountains