A weekly selection from AGU’s blogs, scientific journals and Eos, the newspaper of the Earth and space sciences. Members of the news media may sign up for complimentary access to all AGU journal papers and Eos here.
Posts before June 24, 2014 only include summaries of AGU journal articles (“journal highlights”).

- Interpreting the strongest deep earthquake ever observed
- Ultrahigh-speed camera captures unexpected lightning attachment
- Early geodynamo could have been driven by magma ocean in lower mantle
- Using new satellite data would improve hurricane forecasts
- New ice core record shows climate variability in West Antarctica
- Plasma loss mechanisms from Saturn’s magnetosphere

- Anthropogenic aerosols increasing over India
- Comparing climate impact of different geoengineering methods
- New physical model calculates airline crews’ radiation exposure
- Magnetic energy determines electron bulk heating
- Coastal radar observations reveal complex surface circulations
- Assessing a plan to clear energetic protons from the radiation belt

- Measuring global sulfur dioxide emissions with satellite sensors
- Operational seismic networkestimates rock slide properties
- Examining increasing potential for storms with global warming
- Understanding oxygen depletion on the Oregon coastal shelf
- Deep sea foraminifera shell isotopes unaffected by recrystallization
- West Antarctic Ice Sheet formed earlier than thought

- Statistically linking extreme precipitation to global warming
- The mixed mechanisms of large-earthquake nucleation
- Evaluating solutions to the faint young Sun problem
- Updated ice core record captures Industrial Era carbon variability
- Mechanism could explain rapid, dramatic, cyclic Arctic warming
- Reconstructing ancient ocean temperature from deep sea shells

- Parts of Amazon on the verge of forest-to-grassland shift
- Hawaiian Islands formed through extrusive volcanic activity
- Shifts of the Subtropical Shelf Front controlled by atmospheric variations
- Atmosphere’s emission fingerprint affected by how clouds are stacked
- Loess landscapes could be major source of dust
- Sediment wedges not stabilizing West Antarctic Ice Sheet

- An earthquake in Japan caused large waves in Norwegian fjords
- Disposal of Marcellus Shale fracking waste caused earthquakes in Ohio
- The Arctic is especially sensitive to black carbon emissions from within the region
- A new metric to help understand Amazon rainforest precipitation
- Detailed analysis shows clouds’ effects on daily temperature
- 2012 Great Plains drought not caused by climate change

- Atmospheric rivers linked to severe precipitation in Western Europe
- Warming climate increases rainfall extremes
- Carbon fertilization increased arid region leaf cover over past 20 years
- Understanding the complexities of volcanoes that erupt just once
- Revealing the early seafloor spreading history between India and Australia
- Independent observations corroborate surface air temperature record

- Why freshwater organisms survived the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs
- Constraining bubbling of methane from thermokarst lakes
- Low-cost solution optimizes water quality of reservoir effluent
- Characterizing the dynamics of geyser eruptions
- Seismic studies provide new detail on transition zone below western US
- New global maps of surface ocean currents made from drifter data

- Past decade saw unprecedented warming in the deep ocean
- Hurricanes could increase over western Europe as climate warms
- Space traffic may be cause of increase in polar mesospheric clouds
- Tropical storm Sandy was a one-in-700 year event
- German records from 1920s show long-term ocean warming
- Identifying slow slip events with GNSS

- Southern California ozone pollution declining in recent decades
- Southern Ocean is less efficient at exporting carbon than thought
- Collisions of coronal mass ejections can be super elastic
- Measuring isotope variability in water vapor over Southern California
- Uneven warming shifts equatorial rain band, midlatitude westerlies
- Models without volcanic forcing underestimate sea level rise

- Graphite lubricates fault zones
- Sediment processes can be significant source of ambient noise
- Evolution of the Qin Mountains as part of the supercontinent Rodinia
- Studying how flocculation affects acoustic reflection
- How do braided river dynamics affect sediment storage?
- Charting the growth of the Turkish-Iranian plateau

- Beachfront nourishment decisions: the “sucker-free rider” problem
- Identifying the physical processes that control the stratigraphic record
- Uplift of Zagros Mountains slows down convergence of two plates
- Extensive Antarctic campaign finds cold bias in satellite records
- Measuring tidal displacement using GPS
- Hydrology affects carbon storage potential of prairie potholes

- Characterizing the Moon’s radiation environment
- Three-dimensional mapping of airflow over dunes
- Forest organic runoff breaks down faster than agricultural, urban runoff
- Examining CO2¬ concentrations and flow dynamics in streams
- Measuring the forces generated by erosive debris flows
- Agulhas Current leakage could stabilize Atlantic overturning circulation

- Global fires after the asteroid impact probably caused the K-Pg extinction
- Predicting fire activity using terrestrial water storage data
- Monitoring subsidence and vent wall collapse on Kīlauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Italian all-sky imager tracks auroral red arcs over Europe
- Nonnative salmon alter nitrification in Great Lakes tributaries
- High rates of nitrogen fixation measured in equatorial upwelling region

- Canadian Arctic glacier melt accelerating, irreversible
- Eyjafjallajökull’s iron-rich ash fertilized North Atlantic Ocean
- A seismometer in orbit around Earth
- Distinguishing drought and water scarcity
- Evaluating the seismic risk of mineral carbon sequestration
- Tracing nitrate in watersheds
- Devastating East African drought made more likely by climate change
- Large solar proton event explains 774-775 CE carbon-14 increase

- Brazil’s sugarcane boom could affect regional temperatures
- A window into the interior of asteroid Vesta
- Citizen science finds spring could come a month early to warming U.S.
- Land use changes affect extreme temperatures
- Arctic climate warming leads to increased storm surge activity
- Predictive model to protect satellites from space weather
- Small agricultural impoundments affect pollutant transport

- Global climatology of explosive cyclones
- For U.S. biomes, climate change will decrease vegetative productivity
- Lightning detected from space can indicate thundercloud height
- Storminess helps coastal marshes withstand sea level rise
- How many lakes are there, and how big are they?
- Characterizing noise in the global nuclear weapon monitoring system

- Io’s volcanism controls Jupiter’s magnetospheric activity
- Projected U.S. water use likely to increase as climate warms
- Mercury’s crust likely made of magnesium-rich basalt
- Assessing the Great Whirl, despite all the pirates
- Tracing the origin of Arctic driftwood
- Low density of Earth’s core due to oxygen and silicon impurities
- Understanding the structure of subducting plates

- Seabird activity influences Arctic methane and nitrous oxide emissions
- U.S. cities less susceptible to water scarcity than previously thought
- First direct evidence that breaking waves cause horizontal eddies
- Variability of transparent organic particles in Arctic floodplain lakes
- Tropical cyclone waves detected with infrasound sensor array
- Aftershocks to Philippine quake found within nearby megathrust fault