2/19/2025: Ozone pollution tied to heart attack risk

Smog in Los Angeles. Credit: Ron Reiring/flickr

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Featured Research

Ozone pollution tied to heart attack risk
Even short-term exposure to ozone pollution may lead to increased risk of heart attack in individuals 18-55, a new study finds. Black patients were more likely to be negatively impacted. [GeoHealth study]

How much water is the massive Mu Us Desert restoration using?
The Mu Us Desert in northwestern China was historically an arid steppe, but climate change and human activities caused desertification to spread in the mid-1900s. Ecological restoration efforts have been ongoing for decades, and some of those efforts might be using less water than previous estimates said, a new study found. [Geophysical Research Letters study]

Biomass burning is blackening Himalayan glaciers
Black carbon warms the atmosphere and melts ice. In the Himalayas, fossil fuel combustion contributes most black carbon, but biomass burning has been adding more in recent decades, a new study finds. Years with droughts, particularly El Niño years, saw more black carbon from biomass burning. [Geophysical Research Letters study]

Jupiter’s moon Callisto is likely an ocean world
The planet’s second-largest moon probably hosts a vast, salty ocean under its icy shell, according to a new study. The ocean could be tens of kilometers deep. [Eos research spotlight][AGU Advances study]
