7/3/2024: Canadian wildfire smoke sent itself to US East Coast

Dense smoke obscures tall buildings in a city, painting an eerie orange scene. A balcony is in the foreground.

Wildfire smoke from Canada choked the U.S. east coast in 2023. Credit: Wikimedia commons/Anthony Quintaro

Featured Research

Canadian wildfire smoke sent itself to US East Coast
Intense wildfires can “make their own weather,” resulting in unusual weather patterns. In 2023, wildfires in Canada shot smoke to the U.S. East Coast because aerosols in the smoke intensified a cyclone while helping it stand still. That stagnant cyclone then sent the smoke southward. [Geophysical Research Letters research]

Many houses — especially second homes — remain uninsured despite flood risk
More than two-thirds of properties at risk of flooding are uninsured, lowering their climate resiliency. Following a flood in a county, the rate of insurance adoption rises 7% within a year, but drops after that, a new study finds. Relying on households to close this “insurance gap” may not work, the authors suggest, especially where flood-exposed houses are not primary residences. [Earth’s Future research]

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Climate, cropland and population growth threaten orchids in China
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Ancient, buried swamps hint at “remarkable resilience” of Gulf coastlines
A 72,000 year old forest off Alabama’s coast was preserved thanks to “swamp power,” new research reveals. [Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems research][LSU press release]

Fifty-three experts weigh in on the global methane budget
A survey of experts revealed that uncertainty in estimates of global methane levels stems largely from data on fresh water, vegetation, and coastal areas. [Eos research spotlight][Earth’s Future research]


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